Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts - Oh the Cobwebs

Uh...uh...uh...trying to reach...almost got it...there! The last of the cobwebs and atchoo!  Crap it's dusty, but nevertheless...

Keely has been redecorating and designed a new button, oh look something shiny!

Be sure and hit up her blog, she makes me point smile and laugh regularly.

Blogger is behaving a little oddly, so hopefully this will be published successfully, if not...well, there's always chocolate!

I've been seriously neglecting this blog, but much like the disobedient child, I'm attempting to return to the "mother's knee" of my readers and beg forgiveness yet again.  Folks, I love to write and hope to settle in for more consistency and less sporadic and random (no pun intended, ok maybe a little pun intended) efforts to be a contributing member of  blithering idiots the blogosphere.  However, I am still mired in my life and it still has priority; so no promises.  

Currently, my day job is instructing students in the fine art of colorguard.  I do it for the money and the glory and because I am a fascist dictator who loves pointing my finger at impressionable teens because I truly love it.  That, and it gets me out of the house.

Last month, my husband drove the third of our four children to college 1200 miles away.  There's only one kid left at home now, oh and the dog.  The empty nest is looming and we've got a little over two years remaining until that comes to fruition.  I should probably be planning for that?  It's funny, years ago when my kids were all underfoot, I imagined that life post child-rearing would be a wonderful relief--the reward for a job well done.  Now, it just seems weird.   I am certain though that I will adjust quite nicely as I am one who embraces change readily (stop laughing).

Even though I've been neglecting you here, I've kept up with reading (and occasionally commenting on) the blogs I follow.  I've also discovered some new blogs; among them are some startups by family and friends.  So to show that nepotism is alive and well (and the nut doesn't fall far from the nutty tree), here is a list of new blogs by various friends and family in random order of course.

Pink Epiphanies - by my daughter in law as she navigates her life and faith in marriage and motherhood

I'm A Sooner! - by my kid, the one that just left for college (college fodder)

paper lanterns and white feathers - by my other kid; her self-proclaimed "musings of a twenty-something"

life with the lebedas - by a friend of my daughter in law's of which I accidentally stumbled upon

My Left Breast - by the wife of a high school classmate as she navigates the diagnosis of breast cancer--compelling, insightful and inspirational

Buttermilk And Bacon - by the husband of a friend who loves, what else, buttermilk AND bacon!

Gratuitous naked man shot!
Just kidding!  It's my hubby and he has swim trunks on--I swear!

That's all the random I have for now.  "Tune in next time when grandpa says"...Not a damn thing because he's flying with the angels and doesn't get good cell service(Heaven must be in a cell phone "dead" zone) OH STOP GROANING!  It wasn't that bad (ok, maybe it was).


  1. Great random! And yes that last one was a groaner, but still kind of funny, I have an odd sens of humor though.

  2. Thanks Vandy! My previous employment was as a Deputy Coroner so my humor is odd as well(an odd sense of humor is required to maintain some normalcy with that type of job).
